

I began exploring filmmaking in middle school by making short films with my sister, and my passion deepened with hands-on set experience in early high school. In 2020, during the lockdown, I helped build ventilators and eventually pitched a video program at the factory where I worked. Over the next five years, I produced trade show booths, filmed over 100 videos, and supported company acquisitions through focusing on quality and precision in my videos.

I value filmmaking for its power to give voice to the vulnerable, a belief that grew from experiences documenting riots in Washington DC and medical relief efforts in South Sudan. This journey led to my feature-length debut documentary, “Testament (Заповіт),” a radically empathetic film on wartime experiences. While spending two months in Ukraine, I conducted over 30 interviews and collaborated with a team of more than 20 creative professionals to bring this emotionally compelling story to life.

Patrick pointing at something dramatically

Projects Screened At:

Directorial Work

Heartland International Film festival

College Broadcasters Inc. Production Awards

BEA Festival of Media Arts

East Lansing Film Festival

Yellow Hammer Film Fest

Capital City Film Fest

Cinematography Work

Indy Film Fest

CBI Visual Media Fest.

Student World Impact Film Festival

Upike Film & Media Arts Festival

Patrick Talking to actors

Got a project in mind?

~ Let’s talk.